As you get older having frequent dental visits and a clean mouth and teeth are more important than ever.

Visit your dentist regularly for an oral checkups, whether you have all of your original teeth or a full set of dentures, it is crucial to keep an eye on your oral health.

In fact, the older you get, the more important dental health becomes. While it can be easy to forget about compared to more pressing matters, visiting the dentist quarterly is essential to having a clean mouth and teeth.

Nine Essential Benefits of Having a Clean Mouth and Teeth

  1. It Can Prevent Cavities

Have you noticed that a white film builds up on your teeth throughout the day? That substance is called plaque and it is the main cause of tooth decay. When plaque sits on your teeth for an extended amount of time, its acidic chemicals destroy your tooth enamel.

Brushing and flossing twice a day helps to alleviate this issue and prevent plaque from causing cavities. However, it can be difficult to remove all of it. A professional cleaning at the dentist will remove all of the plaque and protect your teeth from cavities.

  1. It Can Prevent Gum Disease

Another harmful result of plaque build-up is that it hardens to become tartar. This is a substance that can only be removed by the dentist. If left unattended, it tartar can cause periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease affects the tissues surrounding your teeth that hold them in place. While periodontal disease is usually the result of poor dental health if you are a smoker, your risk factors for periodontal disease increase dramatically.

Left untreated, periodontal disease will cause sore and bleeding gums as well as extreme pain while chewing.

  1. Having a Clean Mouth and Teeth Can Prevent Tooth Loss

When periodontal diseases escalate, the plaque moves from the teeth down to the area around your tooth’s roots. There its acidic properties can attack and destroy the bones in your jaw.

This is what causes tooth loss among adults. By scheduling regular cleanings, your dentist can monitor the condition of your gums and jaw bones.

  1. It Gets Rid of Stubborn Bad Breath

Is there anything worse than talking to someone who is suffering from serious halitosis? You end up spending more time thinking about a polite way to offer them a mint or stick of gum then actually listening to what they are saying.

Lingering bad breath is frustrating for everyone. This means that even after you brush your teeth, the bad breath returns again quickly. Bad breath is caused by the bacteria that live in your mouth.

The only way to get rid of stubborn bacteria in your mouth is a visit to the dentist for a professional dental cleaning.

You need to follow that up with a rigorous oral hygiene routine, otherwise, your bad breath problems will persist.

  1. It Will Brighten Your Smile

Pretty much all of our favourite beverages can stain your teeth. The list includes coffee, tea, cand red wine and well, we certainly can’t imagine giving all of those things up!

Did you know that your teeth are made up of multiple layers? Under your tooth enamel, there is a bone-like tissue called dentin. As you get older, the outer enamel of your teeth thins which allows the yellow dentin to show through the enamel.

While toothpaste can remove some of the stains, having a dental cleaning will remove the more stubborn stains leaving you with a brighter smile.

  1. It Minimizes the Occurrence of Diabetes

Did you know that being over 45 increases your chances of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? And the risk factor is exacerbated for people who are overweight or obese.

Diabetes is also connected to gum disease. Periodontal diseases limit your body’s ability to process insulin. Additionally, severe gum diseases can affect your body’s ability to control its blood glucose levels. This can actually cause diabetes to get worse.

  1. Ignoring Your Oral Health Increases Your Risk of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection that affects your lungs. It causes inflammation in the air sacs in your lungs which makes it difficult to breathe. In older adults, pneumonia can be debilitating or even downright fatal.

In order adults, having poor oral health can lead to pneumonia. Don’t forget that any of the bacteria that is left to gestate in your mouth is being breathed into your lungs as well.

When you breathe bacterial droplets into your lungs, you are leaving yourself susceptible to pneumonia

  1. You Will Enjoy Improvements to Your Overall Health

Your oral health and general health are deeply connected. By ensuring that you have a clean mouth and teeth, you’re reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, lung infections, erectile dysfunction and even cancer.

When you visit your dentist every six months, they do much more than just a thorough clean of your teeth. They also take x-rays and check that there are no indicators of oral cancers or other health issues.

  1. You Will Save Money in the Long Run

Preventative care is much cheaper than reactive care. Brushing your teeth and flossing twice a day as well as seeing your dentist Quarterly will help to prevent tooth decay and other oral hygiene issues.

Imagine if you visit the dentist once every two or three years and plaque is left to grow in your mouth unchecked? Or worse, you’ve developed gum disease and left it untreated.

By going to the dentist regularly, you avoid more expensive and invasive dental procedures later on in your life.

Don’t Ignore Your Dental Health

Paying attention to your dental health is just as important as monitoring your general health.

These are just some of the many benefits that you will enjoy by having a clean mouth and teeth.

Take charge of your oral hygiene and book your next dental appointment with us today.

We’ll have you showing off your pearly whites in no time!

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